Welcome to the NURMI press pages!

Here you will find information for download:

NURMI-Study Logos
NURMI-Study Pictures Team

NURMI Study info sheet
NURMI main study info sheet

1. PR about the start of the NURMI Study
2. PR about the NURMI meeting in Berlin
3. PR NURMI-Main Study STEP2
5. PR End Data Collection
6. PR about the NURMI meeting in Obernberg
7. PR First Publications released

Sources: Provided copyright is not infringed journalists may use any of the pictures but may not sell nor pass them on in any form.
Source: The NURMI-Study

If you would like to know how the NURMI Study is progressing we should be pleased to add you to our list of press contacts.
If you have any questions about the NURMI Study you can contact us by using the contact form or direct at:

We look forward to your query and will be pleased to answer your questions.

We shall be very pleased to read what you write about us!

Katharina WirnitzerContact:
Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Wirnitzer (PhD)